Top 10 most populated countries in the world 2024 are:

1.India: 1.43billion

2.China: 1.42billion

3.The United States: 341million

4.Indonesia: 278million

5.Pakistan: 243million

6.Nigeria: 226million

7.Brazil: 217million

8.Bangladesh: 173million

9.Russia: 144million

10.Mexico: 128million

Source: Pinterest



India is the first most populous country in the world with a diverse and rapidly growing population. India has experienced significant population growth over the years. While there have been efforts to control population growth through family planning programs, the absolute numbers remain high, contributing to the overall population density. 



China is the second most populous country in the world.

China has implemented population control policies to manage population growth. The most well-known policy was the “One-Child Policy,” which was introduced in the late 1970s to address concerns about overpopulation. In recent years, China has relaxed these policies to allow for a two-child and more recently, a three-child policy. China’s large population has played a crucial role in its economic development. The country has benefited from a vast labor force, contributing to its status as the world’s second-largest economy.

Source: Pinterest

3.The United States


The United States has a population exceeding 341 million people, making it one of the most populous countries globally. The U.S. has a history of immigration that has significantly contributed to its population growth. The country attracts people from around the world for reasons such as economic opportunities, education and refuge.



Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, following India, China, and the United States. The country’s population has grown steadily over the years, influenced by factors such as birth rates, immigration, and demographic dynamics. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising thousands of islands and this geographical characteristic contributes to the diversity of its population. Java the most populous island is home to over half of the country’s total population.

Source: Pinterest



Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world with a large and diverse population. The large and diverse population contributes to Pakistan’s economic activities. The country’s labor force engages in various sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing and services.



Nigeria has a population exceeding 226 million people, making it the most populous country in Africa and the sixth most populous globally. Nigeria is geographically diverse, with various regions characterized by different landscapes, including the Sahel region, savannahs, rainforests and the Niger Delta. The population is distributed across these diverse regions.



Brazil has a population exceeding 217 million people, making it the most populous country in South America and the seventh most populous globally. Brazil is the largest country in South America, covering a vast and diverse geographic expanse. It includes the Amazon rainforest, the Pantanal wetlands, extensive coastlines and the urbanized regions of the southeast. Brazil’s large population contributes to economic activities in various sectors, including agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and services. 



Bangladesh has a population exceeding 173 million people. Bangladesh faces challenges such as poverty, environmental issues and vulnerability to natural disasters like cyclones and floods. However the country has made strides in areas such as economic development, education and healthcare. The youthful population presents opportunities for economic growth and innovation.

Source: Pinterest



Russia is the largest country in the world by land area and ninth populous country in the world. Russia spans two continents, Europe and Asia, and is characterized by diverse geographic features, including vast plains, mountains, and extensive Siberian wilderness. The population is distributed across various regions with major urban centers like Moscow and St. Petersburg.



Mexico is the tenth most populous country in the world, located in North America. Mexico has a population exceeding 128 million people, making it the most populous country in the Spanish-speaking world and the third most populous country in the Americas after the United States and Brazil.

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